St Martins College of Art Lecture

TEKJA returns to the V&A for a one day datavis workshop.

RCA Visualising Cities Lecture

TEKJA returns to the V&A for a one day datavis workshop.

V & A Datavis Workshop 2017

TEKJA returns to the V&A for a one day datavis workshop.

Bubble diagram visualisation showing results of the interactive installation about identity by Tekja at the Barbican

Barbican Identity installation

At the Barbicam Centre, TEKJA explore what identity is.

Ravensbourne College Lecture

A look into data visualisation in practice.

V & A Datavis Workshop 2016

TEKJA returns to the V&A for a one day datavis workshop.

Museum Tech 2019

TEKJA will take part to the Museum Tech 2019 conference at…

Tekja co-founder Jacopo Hirschstein presenting at resite conference in Prague

reSITE Conference

TEKJA held a data visualisation workshop at reSITE…