The Gaza Platform is an interactive map dashboard developed by Tekja in collaboration with researchers at Forensic Architecture that has allowed Amnesty International to collate and visualise disparate datasets about events in Gaza in 2014, tying together information about individual events to find the patterns between them. The platform displays more than 2,600 events which contain data and testimonies that were collected in the field by local organisations and represents a unique source of information for the events of summer 2014.
The platform contains powerful coordinated charts and interactive maps, enabling users to select, filter and ‘drill-down’ into the data. These functions empower users that don’t have any knowledge of data science or programming to spot trends and patterns across the data, and most importantly, draw data-driven conclusions.
The platform has been featured widely in international press and has been used as evidence by the United Nations.
The Gaza Platform is online here.
ClientAmnesty InternationalOutputMap dashboard, web applicationYear2015
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