Tekja worked with WWF UK to bring the findings of their Future Trends report to life in an animated, data visualisation led microsite about the importance of the Celtic Seas. The Celtic Seas are the waters that lie between and to the south of Wales and Ireland. They are home to a delicate marine ecosystem supporting a wide range of wildlife. They are also incredibly important to people across Europe who depend on the Celtic Seas for their livelihoods and well-being.
The microsite needed to convey complex findings of a report based on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) to a broad public and private sector audience as well as invested individuals, from fishermen who use the waters for the livelihood to policy makers and technical marine experts.
The site uses a series of animated infographics and interactive data visualisations that animate as users scroll down the page to tell this complex story in an insightful and engaging way.
Explore the microsite here.
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