London Data Streams is a live data visualisation experience exhibited for four months at Somerset House, as part of the international Big Bang Data exhibition. The installation explores the pulse, frequency and richness of London’s live data. The piece follows three real-time information streams: Twitter, Instagram and Transport for London. The data is presented once in its raw format, as a wall of data that pulses and updates dynamically, revealing the sheer volume of data produced by the city. Mirroring this data wall the same three streams of data are visualised as a live map and interactive explorations that provide real-time analysis to investigate what London is feeling, seeing and how it is moving at this very minute.
The installation aims to highlight the power of real-time data to reveal rich and intimate narratives about the everyday experiences of Londoners. It also aims to provoke a conversation about how much data we generate, and how much of this information is openly available to us.
ClientSomerset HouseOutputLive data installationYear2016
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