Ever wondered what Londoners are talking about, what emojis they are using most – and which they use to describe the hot topics of 2017 (like Trump, Theresa May, Brexit)? Pulse, a real-time installation streaming, collecting and visualising London’s data at the Museum of London for one year revealed exactly that.
Pulse collects, analyses and displays all the geo-located tweets in Greater London. One by one, real-time analysis extracts sentiment and topics from the tweets and immediately displays the results using a waterfall of data and words as well as animated maps that periodically provide an overview of the current happiness scores and trends across London.
The installation ran 24/7 for 12 months, telling the stories of Londoners through 17 million tweets. On average people in London use 12 words per tweet, meaning the piece analysed around 210 million words and a total of 8 million emojis.
ClientMuseum of LondonOutputLive data installationYear2017-18
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